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Prophetic Word for the 2nd of October 2019

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of October 2019 - You are my example Be my example and copy my ways. Take your cross and walk the narrow, righteous path that will lead you into paradise. Do not shout in the highways and byways. Do not fight over bible verses or opinions. Do not make my holiness idols and do not interpret your own ideas into my holy scriptures. You are my example! Instead walk as I did and copy my ways. Remain humble and seek the lost sheep. Worldly honors should be an abomination to you and praise from men an iniquity. Let your left not know what your right is doing and if one eye is causing you to sin then pluck it out. Repent and change from your old ways to be my example. You are my example! Do not seek men and men's glory but seek the heavenly kingdom and the glory of my Father. Win souls through example, a right way of living and worshiping me. An example of love and righteousness for all to see. Copy my ways and take your cross as I did! Michael Triple Grace

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