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Prophetic Word for the 3rd of October 2019

Prophetic Word for the 3rd of October 2019 - Focus Focus on me alone. Do not get distracted by the affairs of the world. The enemy tries to pull you away from my ways. The world offers many temptations and pleasures that will lead you into a broad way of destruction. Satan tries to bind you and take away your focus on my salvation. Focus on me! Direct your attention on what I have done for you on the cross and how I have set you free from bondage and slavery. Follow my example and my ways that will lead you onto the narrow and righteous path towards the holy mountain. Focus on me! Have I not set you an example when I was on earth? Have you not read about it in the holy scriptures? How I suffered to give you eternal life? Focus on my ways and walk the righteous path in repentance, faith and spirit. Change your life and take your cross! Michael Triple Grace

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