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Prophetic Word for the 4th of October 2019

Prophetic Word for the 4th of October 2019 - Be an overcomer I called you to be an overcomer. Overcoming the world and its temptations. Overcoming Satan and his minions. Stay away from luxuries, riches, careers and all iniquities that will lead you from my righteous path that I showed you. Be an overcomer! Overcoming your past and your sins you did. Overcoming backstabbing and fighting between brothers and sisters. Changing your life from serving two masters, the world and me, towards abiding fully in my teachings and taking up your cross to follow me alone. Be an overcomer! Overcoming the Jezebel spirit that has entered my churches and overcoming the false teachings of the wolves in sheep clothing that you call your preachers and teachers. Now is the time to walk my narrow and righteous path that will lead you to eternal life! Michael Triple Grace

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