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Prophetic Word for the 8th of October 2019

Prophetic Word for the 8th of October 2019 - My Abrahamic Covenant I made a covenant with Abraham to make his descendants multiple as the stars in heaven or the sand on the sea. I have fulfilled my promise and you will see a multitude clothed in white that nobody can number standing at the base of Mount Zion My Abrahamic Covenant! Nobody can number this multitude because they are numerous as the stars in heaven or the sand on the beach. They are my fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant and I will take them unto me into Paradise because they have made their garments clean in the blood of the lamb. My Abrahamic Covenant! All what I promise I will deliver. Were you not promised spiritual mansions in my house? You will receive them at the time of your departure. My multitude of the Abrahamic Covenant will receive their spiritual mansions in paradise on Mount Zion. Michael

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