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Prophetic Word for the 9th of October 2019

Prophetic Word for the 9th of October 2019 - My trumpet sounded at Mt. Sinai My trumpet sounded at Mt. Sinai when I came down in thunder and fire. Moses was allowed to enter the thick darkness so meet me. I will sound again my trumpet at Mt. Zion when I will come for the multitude clothed in white. They will be allowed to enter the thick darkness to reach Paradise. My trumpet sounded at Mt. Sinai The Israelites were afraid to come closer to Mount Sinai and only a few people were allowed to climb that mountain. At Mount Zion my chosen ones for the rapture will not be afraid because they will be prepared well for that moment - the twinkling of an eye. My trumpet sounded at Mt. Sinai And it will sound again at Mount Zion, the mountain not carved by human hands. My secret place and the holy city of David. I am calling you out of the world towards my holy mountain. Listen to my voices and my spirits I am sending you to get prepared. The time of your departure is now! Michael Triple Grace

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