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Prophetic Word for the 29th of October 2019

Prophetic Word for the 29th of October 2019 - I wish you to live and not to die Some are preaching that my multitude clothed in white in the book of Revelation are martyrs only. This is far from being true. I wish you to live and not to die. I am the GOD of the living and not the dead. But you have a choice either to become a martyr or never taste death until you will see me. Live and do not die as martyr See as example my beloved apostles who were with me on the mount of transfiguration - James and John. James is my example and pattern for martyrdom during the seal tribulations. He was one of the first martyrs of my faith. John on the contrary never tasted death until he saw me again directly on the Island of Patmos. I showed him everything and he represents my harvesters of the end times. Live and do not die as martyr You can walk as John did by coming out of the world and Babylon. Gather my people in the harvest, care for my family as John did and you will enter paradise alive. If you stay in the world you will be subjected to Antichrist and you salvation lies in martyrdom alone or accept the mark of the beast and lose your eternal life. Choose your path to paradise right now - the time is at hand. Michael Triple Grace

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