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Prophetic Word for the 31st of October 2019

Prophetic Word for the 31st of October 2019 - Love is in the air Children, I am sending you my love, my everlasting love. You will be lifted up like a lovely red balloon. I will receive you into the clouds and you will be with me forever and ever. My bride, my children are ready to leave. Love is in the air My children are few in numbers and the rest, the remnant of the church, will wake up when the red balloon has disappeared in the sky. I told you to pray that you are worthy to escape all these things. The easy way to reach me is over when my love will be taken into the clouds. Love is in the air All who are left behind need to clean their garments in the blood of the lamb. Humbly understanding that what they believed was not the complete truth. If they are ready to come out of the world and Babylon and walk my narrow path towards Mount Zion I will rapture them into paradise. Pray for understanding and wisdom so that you receive the Holy Spirit. Michael Triple Grace

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