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Prophetic Word for the 3rd of November 2019

Prophetic Word for the 3rd of November 2019 - My harvest is the end of the world Many of my children are speaking of a revival but I tell you my harvest is the end of the world - the end of all times. It is my harvest time to bring in all who are lost and in this harvest my workers are my holy priesthood. My harvest is the end of the world Awake Zion, my chosen ones, that I will sent into the nations to seek my lost sheep. I have prepared you well. You have graduated as my High Priests and you will spearhead my end time movements around the world in spirit and truth. My harvest is the end of the world There is no revival of the old but a harvest of the ages and a gathering of my children into my fold. A restoration of my holy altar to its former glory. An exodus out of the world and Babylon onto the narrow path towards my holy mountain - Mount Zion - the heavenly mountain that I will bring down onto the earth. Michael Triple Grace

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