Prophetic Word for the 19th of November 2019
Prophetic Word for the 19th of November 2019 - Pray, Pray I sent the spirit of Elijah to convict you of unrepentant sins or of sins that need more repentance. When you feel convicted then pray and repent. The spirit of my son in coming now to take his bride. A bride without spot and wrinkle. That is the reason why the spirit of Elijah goes before him to remind you of dark spots on your garments. Pray, Pray As in the times of Elijah I am drawing a line now between my sheep and the goats. You need to choose a side right now. Either chose the world and the enemy or my heavenly kingdom. Reject the worldly offers, your careers, your games and your entertainment. Come out of the world and out of the control of Jezebel. Pray, Pray If you stay in the world your garment can not be white as snow. My son is coming now to search for his bride and he will knock at your door. If you open he will judge your heart to see if you are worthy to escape all those things that will come onto the earth. Pray, repent and be ready for my son to knock. Michael Triple Grace