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Prophetic Word for the 21st of November 2019

Prophetic Word for the 21st of November 2019 - Do you hear my knocking? I am standing at your door and knock. When you open up to me I will sup with you and you with me. You are my bride. Get ready to receive me in your home. Trim your lamps and get ready because your bridegroom is standing at the door. Do you hear my knocking? If you do not open the door I will pass you and you will walk through the seals tribulation. Are you ready to be my bride? Have you helped the needy today? Have you supported my children, the little ones, that I put on your heart? Do you hear my knocking? I will come to you and search your heart if you have repented, forgiven and sought the lost sheep in your neighborhood. I am looking for a pure bride without spot and wrinkles. A bride that made herself ready for the King of the Millennium. Michael Triple Grace

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