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Prophetic Word for the 25th of November 2019

Prophetic Word for the 25th of November 2019 - Enter through the Gate I placed a giant gate in front of you. Open it and enter through it to come to me. Behind that Gate will I meet you. My gate is called beautiful and perfect. Enter with thanksgiving and praise and pray without ceasing when you walk through. Enter through the Gate I will call my warriors to take the battle to the gate and to stand strong against Satan and his minions. My harvesting warriors will go to all the nations and my angels will walk with them for protection and support. Enter through the Gate I am calling you forth through my beautiful gate to clothe you in fine white linen because you have done the righteous deeds of the Saints. You are my chosen people for the harvest of the ages. Assemble in front of my gate, my beautiful gate, that will lead you into paradise. Michael Triple Grace

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