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Prophetic Word for the 9th of December 2019

Prophetic Word for the 9th of December 2019 - Ascension In the same way as I ascended in the cloud I will call my First Fruits. Some will ascend physically and some spiritually. If you ascend spiritually you will continue to serve me on earth as my harvest workers through my dwelling places. Ascension Now is the time to set up the safe places for my disciples who will continue to work for me. These safe places will be established in all Nations. In these places I will call my chosen people for training and getting empowered by the Holy Spirit. There I will protect them from the new Pharao, the Antichrist and the false prophet. Ascension Remember that it is a great honor if you remain and bring in the harvest for me. I will give you an extra crown for your service in paradise. The Ascension will take place shortly, either physically or spiritually. Everything will be fulfilled according to my written words. Michael Triple Grace

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