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Prophetic Word for the 15th of December 2019

Prophetic Word for the 15th of December 2019 - Christmas I did not come to give you a Christmas tree and Santa Claus but to set you free from all bondage and that includes your human traditions. This season is the time to remember my birth also it is not my birthday. It does not matter as long as you remember my first coming, my deeds and that I died for you. Christmas I did not only die for you but resurrected after I overcame death. And so death has no hold on you anymore if you believe in me, repent and follow my commandments. Walk my narrow path by taking your cross, spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom and lifting up the needy and nameless for my name's sake. Christmas It is not about worldly gifts, Christmas trees, Santa Claus or any other human tradition but about remembrance that I was born to save the world. But you refuse to come out of the world and you stick to Jezebel and the false churches and so I will come back with my holy mountain not to save the world by love but to judge it through wrath. Remember me and change your life. Repent and follow the narrow and holy path towards eternal life. Michael Triple Grace

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