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Prophetic Word for the 17th of December 2019

Prophetic Word for the 17th of December 2019 - Give up your old ways If you do not die to yourself and give up on the old you can not inherit the Kingdom. Die daily for me and my ways. Your old ways were in the world and in the lukewarm churches but now you are reborn in righteousness and holiness. Give up your old ways I require my bride to walk the narrow and righteous path, to repent and to abide in me. I set the example through my ministry. Copy my ways, my deeds and my acts. Walk in my spirit and my truth by being my disciple and a true son or daughter of the Most High. Give up your old ways If you remain in the world and in your old ways you will not be able to reach my holy mountain. You must clean your garments in my blood. I want to see you in the multitude clothed in white at the day when I will take you into Paradise and when you will receive the spiritual mansions I promised you. Michael Triple Grace

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