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Prophetic Word for the 20th of December 2019

Prophetic Word for the 20th of December 2019 - GOD is in you I am your father and I am staying in your heart if you love me. Together with my only begotten son Jesus we will be part of you in your life. When you pray to me remember that I live in your heart. Keep your body, mind and soul holy because I am part of you. GOD is in you You are my true sons and daughters and I will bless you if you follow my commandments and come together in Love, Unity and Support. Together we will stand against the evil forces, against the prinicipalities of this world and against the Jezebel spirit that captured so many of my children. GOD is in you Allow me to dwell in your heart and to fill you with my unconditional love so that you can be an example of that love in your neighborhoods. Do my will as my son Jesus did. Walk his ways and spread my love to the farthest corners of the earth and bring in my harvest into the barn. Michael Triple Grace

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