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Prophetic Word for the 5th of January 2020

Prophetic Word for the 5th of January 2020 - Royal Priesthood You are my chosen people, my royal priesthood and my dominion on earth. Let your light shine into the nations. Establish my true church in your houses and dwelling places and gather my people together with the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit Royal priesthood I have trained you well in the wilderness and promoted you to my royal sons and daughters and my royal priesthood. Take your positions in the nations on all continents right now and show your light of my glory into your neighborhoods for all to see. Royal priesthood I will send the lost sheep to your light and you will bring in my harvest into the barn. You will bring as many people as possible to righteousness. Show your example and all what I have given to you through dreams and visions to all people. Let them see your ways and your wisdom that comes from my Holy Spirit. You are my royal priesthood, a selected people for my Kingdom. Michael Triple Grace

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