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Prophetic Word for the 7th of January 2020

Prophetic Word for the 7th of January 2020 - Judgement at the house of the Lord My judgements will start at the house of the Lord. My churches who have gone astray will be judged first and it has already began. The old ways of the institutional churches is over and my true church will emerge. A church that is seen by the people, that act within the people and that shines brightly as never before. Judgement at the house of the Lord My new church is a church that operates on my resurrection level in spirit and truth showing forth wonders and miracles. Filled with the Holy Spirit, trained well and refined as gold in the fire. A church that can move mountains with their faith. Judgement at the house of the Lord An active church that practice true religion by seeking the widows, the orphans, the nameless and faceless. A church that humbles itself before me and that is equal within their members. A church without pastors, bishops or buildings but filled with true sons and daughters of the Most High. A church that is worthy to be my bride! Michael Triple Grace

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