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Prophetic Word for the 11th of January 2020

Prophetic Word for the 11th of January 2020 - Be my arrow I am prepared with my mighty bow to shoot the arrows into the nations. Be my arrows that will pierce into the hearts of the lukewarm churches. You will hit the target and you will burn their flesh with your example that you will set forth for all to see. Your light will destroy their wickedness. Be my arrow They will be drawn to your light like moths to the fire. And in your presence will I judge my own house and burn it to the ground so that only my true church remains. You are my church, my beloved bride and my true sons and daughters. You are accounted worthy to walk with me where ever I go and to receive eternal life in paradise. Be my arrow Fly swift, fly far and hit the target so that all what is written will come to pass and that no prophecy or vision will fail but all will be fulfilled in front of your eyes. You will be my tool, my great tool, of my judgements against the churches. Your actions and your deeds will bring down leaders and church walls on all continents and in all nations. Be my mighty arrow! Michael Triple Grace

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