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Prophetic Word for the 16th of January 2020

Prophetic Word for the 16th of January 2020 - Come out of hiding I am calling you out of your hiding places into the open. I will position you on up high so that all can see you. You are my heavenly warriors and my true bride. You were refined in the fire as gold and you wandered many years through the wilderness to receive knowledge and wisdom. Now you are ready to bring in the harvest and to seek my lost sheep. Come out of hiding Your time in the caves, the wilderness and the hiding places is over. My holy spirit rests on you and you are well prepared to lead my flock. Be my shepherd and my elders in the new church. In a church that stands with me alone. A church that walks in spirit and truth on my narrow and righteous path. A church full of royal priests who love their neighbors as themselves. Come out of hiding Show yourself to the lukewarm churches, to the self-proclaimed pastors, bishops and prophets and show them my example of true religion. Come together in Love, Unity and Support. My sons and daughters who are building home churches and restoring my altar to its former glory. Who are making their houses holy places in my name. A glorious unit of true believers who act daily on my behalf. Show yourself to the nations! Michael Triple Grace

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