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Prophetic Word for the 29th of January 2020

Prophetic Word for the 29th of January 2020 - You are my true sons and daughters I knew you before you were even born and I knew you in your mother's womb. You are my true sons and daughters and I am your Father. The nations are waiting for your appearance to restore my altar to its former glory. The whole world is groaning in expectation of your arrival. You are my true sons and daughters I will lift you up and will place you on a high position so that all of mankind can see you and can be drawn to your light. You are my royal priesthood. Let your light shine as never before because you were created for such a time as this. To gather my harvest and seek my lost sheep. You are my true sons and daughters Do not doubt the powers that I have given you and the wisdom that you have received in the wilderness but be ready to be lifted up high as an example of my heavenly kingdom. Step out now, out of the World and Babylon, daughter of Zion and rejoice because your time of service has come. You will take dominion of the earth in my holy name. Michael Triple Grace

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