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Prophetic Word for the 4th of February 2020

Prophetic Word for the 4th of February 2020 - Training is over I have trained you well in your wilderness period. Now you are refined as gold in the fire and now you will step out into the open for all to see. Your training is over and completed. Now you are called into arms and action to seek my lost sheep and to gather them together in my dwelling places of Zion. Training is over I want to see you moving about in your neighborhoods building relationships and making friends. Showing forth my example and the example of my son Jesus to all that you meet. Let your light shine into all dark places and replace suffering with hope and poverty with riches of heaven. Seek the ones who are crying, seek my children and clothe them with the mantle of love. Training is over Be guided by the Holy Spirit and follow my commandments. I will send you to places where you have never gone before and there you will set my children free. You will be a shepherd and a light for them who dwell in the moment in darkness or unbelief. They will be drawn to your light and you will embrace them with my love. Lift them up in my holy name. Michael Triple Grace

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