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Prophetic Word for the 7th of February 2020

Prophetic Word for the 7th of February 2020 - Despise death Do not be afraid of death because you are not citizens of this world but my true sons and daughters. Despise death and in doing so you reject Satan. I will give you living waters when you died on earth. You are my children and I will always take care of you. Do not be afraid of death. Despise death My apostles and disciples despised death in any situation and so you are called right now not be afraid if you see death in your neighborhoods. Fear not my little children but be glad that your name is written in heaven and that you have a place secured in paradise because you were faithful even in desparate times. Despise death You are seeing judgements on earth, my judgements. Do not be troubled because such things must come to pass and it will all lead to my kingdom on earth. Seek me, repent and abide in me. I will set you free from all fears and all tribulations. I am your GOD and you are my children. Do not be afraid but trust in me. Michael Triple Grace

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