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Prophetic Word for the 8th of February 2020

Prophetic Word for the 8th of February 2020 - Powerful Warriors You are my powerful warriors and I am sending you out into my greatest battle. You will be my standard and banner against the evil flood which is coming onto the earth. You will put on my full armor and get ready in battle formation. Build a headquarter for the army and camps all over the world so that you find safe places and shelter. Powerful warriors The battle will be fierce and dangerous. You will face an mighty opponent with a huge army of demons. But rest assured that my holy angels will stand with you. Get ready, build my army camps in the nations, establish safe havens and restore my altar to its former glory. Do not be afraid because I will give you power and might to step on snakes and scorpions. Powerful warriors My mighty army will reach the last corner of the earth and my army will be recruited from the low ones, the lost sheep, the name and faceless so that all what is written will be fulfilled in my holy name. You are my powerful warriors for such as time as this. I have called you for this purpose directly from your mother's womb. You are my children and my true sons and daughters. Nobody will be able to defeat you. Michael Triple Grace

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