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Prophetic Word for the 28th of February 2020

Prophetic Word for the 28th of February 2020 - Triple Grace I am sending you Triple Grace, the completion of the old and a new beginning. The age of the churches has ended and now you are asked to step out into your faith. Triple Grace is the fulfillment of my wilderness period for you and the end of your years of slavery. You will be set free from the world and Babylon. From the Beast system that you have embraced voluntarily. Triple Grace Triple Grace is not only a new beginning for all of my true children but also your freedom from the enemy. With Triple Grace will I protect you and will guide you onto the narrow and righteous path. The Great Exodus out of your bondage is at hand and you will walk through a new wilderness towards my holy mountain. A new wilderness of harvesting my wheat and seeking my lost sheep. A new wilderness in your neighborhoods. Triple Grace You are born again, into a new life. A life of showing your light forth for all to see. A life of complete surrender to me, your Father and a life of walking in spirit and truth. Triple Grace is the beginning of the end times. You will come together in Love, Unity and Support to be my true sons and daughters and to represent heaven on earth. Walk as in the ways of my only begotten son Jesus and feed my sheep. Walk out into your neighborhoods every day as the unified body of heaven and lift up the suffering and needy by wiping away their tears with my Love. Michael Triple Grace

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