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Prophetic Word for the 7th of March 2020

Prophetic Word for the 7th of March 2020 - Paradise I am gathering you together and I will bring you back to Paradise. Seek a true relationship with me and walk with me every day. Show my love to the lost sheep. Restore my lukewarm churches onto the righteous path that will lead to the rapture and into the promised land, Paradise. You are my true sons and daughters and as such you are sons of the King. Paradise Come together in love, unity and support and teach the world that my kingdom is coming onto the earth. Take dominion and build my holy places in all the nations as my representatives of heaven. I am giving you new mantles. Mantles of authority, wisdom and glory. Mantles of being the example of the heavenly kingdom on earth. You are my ambassadors in the world. Paradise Your promised land is Paradise and Paradise is Heaven on earth. My kingdom will come onto the world and it will rule all the nations. My Paradise will be restored as it was in the beginning. I will set you on high and raise you into new positions. Positions of power and authority for the heavenly kingdom. You will represent the heavenly concept for such as time as this. Show them my love and my compassion so that we can walk together in Paradise. Michael Triple Grace

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