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Prophetic Word for the 18th of March 2020

Prophetic Word for the 18th of March 2020 - Only a short time You have only a short time left to build my tabernacles of light in the nations. These places are also the safe havens in which you will move in the Great Exodus. The time is short. Start building my dwelling places of Zion right now. You are my selected people, my spiritual Israel, chosen for such a time as this to bring my end time movement into the world. Only a short time In this end time movement, my heavenly plan for this generation, I will gather my royal priests together in love, unity and support. Into my holy places on all continents to bring in the harvest of the ages. My royal priests will walk the new level within the holy places and they will serve me and all of my creation until I will rapture them into paradise at Mount Zion. Only a short time Start now to come together and to build my tabernacles in the nations. You are not only my royal priesthood but also my powerful warriors in my holy army that will take the battle to the gate. The safe havens must be build right now because the enemy is advancing in great speed and the Antichrist will be very soon in full power. Now you need to gather all of my warriors into the camps of the Lord. Ready to fight back the flood of darkness. Your time has come! Michael Triple Grace

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