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Prophetic Word for the 23rd of March 2020

Prophetic Word for the 23rd of March 2020 - A new thing I am bringing forth a new thing. A new movement is born. A movement that will gather my children in the harvest of the ages. My end time movement has started. It will operate on a new level. The physical level of a true relationship with me. A true intimate relationship between my sons and daughters and their father. A new thing This new movement will bring heaven down onto the earth by establishing holy places in the nations. There I will dwell with my children as I did it in Paradise with Adam and Eve. My royal priesthood is being trained right now to serve me in these places and to show my heavenly principles to the world. My end time movement is the dress rehearsal of the coming Kingdom. A new thing You can only be part of my end time ministries when you draw closer to me and when you finally return to my Kingdom which is in heaven. You must come out of the world and the old ways and do everything for my Kingdom only. My son is here to take the bride into marriage and the marriage supper of the lamb is beginning. A new level of intimacy is required for the new movement. The family of heaven is coming together. My true sons and daughters will have access to my holy places. Michael Triple Grace

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