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Prophetic Word for the 27th of March 2020

Prophetic Word for the 27th of March 2020 - Oneness The time has come for a new relationship between my children and myself. The two become one. My Kingdom of Heaven is about Unity and Oneness. Unity and Oneness between my children are required for the next level in the end times. Come together in love, unity and support in my holy places, the dwelling places of Zion. Oneness The marriage of my only begotten son and his bride is at hand. The marriage supper will commence in my established places and the door will be shut for all who will come too late. The two become one on a new level, the Kingdom level. A perfect intimate relationship within my heavenly places. The bride has said yes and the marriage is decreed. Oneness You cannot remain in a courting period forever but you need to commit to your bridegroom when he knocks at your door. A great shift in the spirit has come forth and a new relationship level of heaven has started. I am calling my true sons and daughters into my presence within the dwelling places, my tabernacles of light that will be established in all the nations. I have dispatched my angels to help you and to speed up time because the marriage is at hand. Michael Triple Grace

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