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Prophetic Word for the 28th of March 2020

Prophetic Word for the 28th of March 2020 - Miracles and Wonders Miracles and wonders will follow you in my new Kingdom age. My Grace will rest on the chosen vessels and the holy places established in the nations. These oases will be filled with my royal priesthood that I trained well. They are also my powerful warriors who will take the battle to the gates. Miracles and wonders In my new places where I will dwell my holy spirit will fall like a flaming tongue and wonders and miracles will follow my true sons and daughters of the Kingdom. I am shifting Heaven and Earth into a new era. A time for the dress rehearsal of the coming Millennium Kingdom. The preparation for my children to come together in love, unity and support. Miracles and wonders Will the shift willingly? No, but even Pharaoh in Egypt was not willing to release the old and my children. I made him do so and I will do the same to this world. My children will be set free from the old, the World and Babylon through plagues, wars, famine and death. But whosoever calls on my name in the holy places established for my Glory will be saved and will walk in miracles and wonders. Michael Triple Grace

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