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Prophetic Word for the 29th of March 2020

Prophetic Word for the 29th of March 2020 - Your destiny You are called into your destiny right now. The fulfillment of your purpose on earth to serve my Kingdom of Heaven and to win souls. For that destiny you will return as a prodigal son to me and enter into a new intimate relationship with your father in heaven. Your destiny My true sons and daughters, I placed on this earth so that you develop into maturity for my Kingdom in Heaven. You were trained in the wilderness and I refined you as Gold in the fire. Now the time has come for your final task before I will take you home where you belong. Show forth what you have learned. Let your light shine and guide the lost sheep into my fold. Your destiny Embrace your destiny and your name will be written in heaven. Establish my holy places in your neighborhoods, lift up the needy, nameless and faceless and rescue my lukewarm churches. I will be present in your holy places every day as I walked with Adam and Eve in the garden. My holy spirit will fall on you like a fiery tongue when you embrace your destiny right now. Come out of the World and return to my Kingdom. Michael Triple Grace

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