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Prophetic Word for the 5th of April 2020

Prophetic Word for the 5th of April 2020 - My powerful witnesses My powerful witnesses of my Kingdom age will come forth in the nations. They are my representatives here on earth and showing the lost sheep my principles of heaven. At the beginning of the Kingdom age my witnesses will serve me in my holy places and will gather the harvest into my barn. I will rapture them into Paradise at Mount Zion. My powerful witnesses They will proclaim boldly the Gospel of the Kingdom and will show examples of love, mercy and compassion in their neighborhoods. All will see their lights and will be drawn to it. Witnesses for the Kingdom will they be called and they will come together in Love, Unity and Support for all to see. I am giving them mantles and my authority to bind and to loose. My powerful witnesses They will receive the key of heaven so that whatever they bind or loose on earth will be bound or loosened in heaven because I will dwell in their holy places as their father. My powerful witnesses are called for such a time as this to represent my heavenly Kingdom on earth. They are my true sons and daughters prophesied about in my holy scriptures. Be my witness and my powerful warrior in the end times. Michael Triple Grace

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