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Prophetic Word for the 10th of April 2020

Prophetic Word for the 10th of April 2020 - You are getting numbered I am holding my great census for the first born of the Kingdom age. All who will be counted sealed in this census I will write their names in book in Heaven. Their place in the rapture will be guaranteed as my first born. I already told Moses that the First born are dedicated to me and I will redeem them from the Earth. You are getting numbered Have you thought that a Census will only take place on earth? From where do you think that the enemy has the idea of a Census. From me and the heavenly Kingdom as I always count my children and my Saints. As the first born of my Kingdom you will be moved through the Red Sea and separated from the World and from Babylon. I will set you free from the enemies and his attacks. All his curses and blockages against your person, your finances and your family will be lifted. You are getting numbered I am sealing you as my first born even if you are not the first born in your family but your are mine in the Kingdom age. You awoke to my messages that I sent to you through my prophets and you went through the open door onto my Kingdom path. The Kingdom age has come and my first born are ready to establish my Kingdom on Earth. They will bring forth my holy places in all the Nations for my Glory and for the Harvest of the Ages. My first born are my royal priesthood for such a time as this. You are getting numbered. Michael Triple Grace

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