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Prophetic Word for the 12th of April 2020

Prophetic Word for the 12th of April 2020 - My first born are here I have raised my first born for this Kingdom age. Newly born true sons and daughters are my first born to the Millennium reign. I have awoken them with the understanding of my end time heavenly concept. They are coming together in Love, Unity and Support and will have all in one accord. A new family is being created. My family of heaven and my first born of the Kingdom. My first born are here Are you born a first in your earthly family? No. Then you will become a first born of my heavenly family and I will redeem you because all first born of my creation belong to me. I have shifted heaven and earth and a new age has risen. In this end time my harvest workers will be bestowed with special powers of on high and will gather my lost sheep in the nations. My first born are here As my son Jesus is the first born to the resurrection you will be the first born to the second coming of him in full Power and Glory. The time of his coming is here and it needs newly born sons and daughters who understand the path to Mount Zion. Great revival can only come to a place of great awakening and understanding of such a time as this. You are my first born and raised to establish my holy places on all continents. Step forward right now into your destiny as a first born of the Kingdom age. Michael Triple Grace

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