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Prophetic Word for the 17th of April 2020

Prophetic Word for the 17th of April 2020 - He is here I have promised you that I will send the latter rain so that you can be empowered even more than I did when I walked the Earth. Now I have returned for another 40 days to bestow on the my willing vessels mantles and positions for the end times and the preparations of my Millennium Kingdom. He is here For this purpose I am filling you with the Spirits of Moses, Elijah and David so that you can rebuild the fallen places, gather my flock, train them in the new way and seek the lost sheep. Feed my sheep on the new journey towards me and my coming Kingdom. The journey on the narrow and righteous path that will lead all of you who are ready to listen to my holy mountain, Mount Zion. He is here There you will receive the rewards for your faithful walk in my end time movement. In my revealed heavenly concept for such a time as this. My body will function in Unity as the family community of the heavenly Kingdom. My Kingdom will be brought down to Earth and now you are getting ready for the dress rehearsal of the Millennium Kingdom, acting on heavenly principles alone and letting your light shine as never before.

Walk in the former and latter rain and receive your mantles now during my 40 days here on earth. Then thereafter the Holy Spirit will fall on all of my chosen vessels to establish the holy places of Love, Unity and Support in all Nations. Michael Triple Grace

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