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Prophetic Word for the 18th of April 2020

Prophetic Word for the 18th of April 2020 - They joined me I called them and they joined me because they had faith in me and my mission. Today I am calling you to come and join me in my Kingdom. Have Faith and Courage to walk with me. As I have called my apostles of old so will I call you right now to receive your mantles and positions as my new apostles for the end times. They joined me They joined me and left their families, came out of the old and entered a new path. They did this because they believed in my words and in my ministry. They were called for such a time as that. Right now I need you to leave the old, your families, your church affiliation and to take the courage to follow me on the new path towards my Millennium Kingdom. They joined me Can you muster the same courage? Do you have the same faith? Are you ready to leave the old for uncharted waters? Do you want to walk closely with me? Are you ready to listen to my words? Then commit to my end time movement. Commit to my Kingdom path which will lead you to my holy mountain, to Mount Zion, to your rapture into paradise and to your eternal life with me and our Father. Become my appointed and raised apostles for such a time as this. Michael Triple Grace

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