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Prophetic Word for the 20th of April 2020

Prophetic Word for the 20th of April 2020 - 144000 harvest workers I am raising 144000 harvest workers from both sides - 144000 male and 144000 female - to establish my holy places in the Nations. They will seek my lost sheep and will bring in the harvest. In 144000 holy places my revival will take place and my presence will manifest every day. There I will walk in the midst of my true sons and daughters on a new level of a family relationship. 144000 harvest workers Are you called as my first born to the Kingdom? Are you part of my end time apostles that are coming forth for such a time as this? Are you willing to return to my heavenly Kingdom? Come out of the World and the Churches to experience my Glory and Power in the rest places that my faithful servants will establish right now on all continents for my Glory. 144000 harvest workers My chosen vessels have placed the helmet of salvation on their head and the sword of the Spirit in their right hand to take my battle to the Gates and to defeat the enemy on all territories. I have chosen them as Esthers, my royal priesthood and my true sons and daughters to bring Heaven down onto the earth and to show the world my principles of love, mercy and compassion. Are you one of my 144000 special warriors? Michael Triple Grace

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