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Prophetic Word for the 22nd of April 2020

Prophetic Word for the 22nd of April 2020 - The end The end is here. Not the end of the world that I have created but the Church age has ended. My time of Grace has come to an end. This is the day when you mourn for a dead one but at the same time celebrate a birth. The birth of my Kingdom age. The Manchild is born. The end Finally you will enter into the time when the Millennium Kingdom of my son Jesus will be established on earth. A great shift has occurred and I have shaken heaven and earth. You are now getting gathered together to be trained in the principles of heaven in my restored tents of David, my holy places in the Nations. The end My chosen vessels will show you, by examples, how you will live in the Millennium Kingdom under one King and in one faith without separation into denominations or religions but in Unity of Faith. For that purpose have I sent the spirits of Moses, Elijah and David to anoint my chosen people to guide you into the new Kingdom age and to bring my prodigal sons and daughters back to me, to the Kingdom of Heaven. The church age and the time of Grace has ended. Michael Triple Grace

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