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Prophetic Word for the 28th of April 2020

Prophetic Word for the 28th of April 2020 - Love is in the air I am calling my children home. Home to their Father in Heaven. Love is in the air and so will my children be lifted up very soon. Then my other children, my chosen vessels, will show forth my love to all the nations. They will bring forth my heavenly principles of love, mercy and compassion. Love is in the air In Unity they will walk into their neighborhoods to show the examples my son Jesus has given them. They will come together in Love, Unity and Support for all to see. Holy sanctuaries will be established on all continents for my Glory and to bring in the harvest of the ages. There will I walk with my true sons and daughters on a new level of kinship. Love is in the air Heaven will come down onto the earth and holy sanctuaries will represent my Kingdom of Heaven. They are my Embassies on earth and their led by my Ambassadors that I have well trained. From them my love will float through the air into all neighborhoods, to all nations and all tongues. They are my dress rehearsal of the coming Millennium Kingdom. Love is in the air. My love will call the lost sheep. Michael Triple Grace

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