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Prophetic Word for the 9th of May 2020

Prophetic Word for the 9th of May 2020 - Clean your feet Clean your feet because you are about to serve me in my holy places. The time has arrived to come together as my family of Heaven and to be elevated onto the new level. My son Jesus will come and will take you by the hand to show you all things that will happen in the end times. You will be well prepared for your work in the nations. Clean your feet Make yourself ready, separate yourself from the world and Babylon and wait for your Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit will fill you and you will be full of zeal for my heavenly Kingdom. You will walk in wonders and miracles and will be protected from the hour of temptation that will come down onto the whole earth. You are my chosen vessels, my first born of the Kingdom. Clean your feet I have preserved you for such a time as this and you will gather my harvest of the ages into the barn. Show the world my heavenly principles and guide them out of the world towards Mount Zion. Seek my lost sheep and feed them amidst of great tribulation and trial. Do not worry you are protected by a multitude of angels under my command. Fulfill your destiny that you have agreed to before you were born. Clean your feet because you are standing on holy ground. Michael Triple Grace

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