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Prophetic Word for the 11th of May 2020

Prophetic Word for the 11th of May 2020 - You cannot hide In these seal tribulations you will not be able to hide from the falling judgements. You only secure path is the narrow path towards my holy mountain. Many hope that they will escape by hiding in the caves of the earthly mountains but there the pestilences are waiting for them. Judgements are decreed and nobody will escape in the world. You cannot hide Therefore come out of the world and Babylon and enter my kingdom. Return to your first love and your true Father. I am calling my prodigal sons and daughters back home. I sent you prophetic voices who are trying to turn the hearts of the children back to their Fathers and to bring in great revival, a great harvest of souls. You cannot hide But who is listening to these prophets? Who is willing to give up their old ways and their meat pots of Egypt? Who is ready to walk the wilderness towards Mount Zion? Only a small remnant that I call my true sons and daughters has started to move out in the Great Exodus and I have set my Spirit to allow more people to join them. My end time harvest will be brought in. But for you, o scoffers and mockers, who party in the world as it was in the days of Noah. You cannot hide and you will face my judgement. Michael Triple Grace

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