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Prophetic Word for the 13th of May 2020

Prophetic Word for the 13th of May 2020 - I need harvest workers I am not looking for people who want to escape but for my harvest workers who are willing to bring in my souls into the Kingdom. Are you only praying for a rapture or are you taking your cross and follow my sons Jesus where ever he goes. I am seeking my harvest workers. I need harvest workers They are full of zeal, filled with my Holy Spirit and focused on the Kingdom alone. They have come out of the world and the lukewarm churches and are ready to serve me as true representatives of my kingdom. This end time movement will operate in all of my commandments and they will establish the safe havens, my holy places, in their neighborhoods. I need harvest workers Why are you only focusing on the escape from this world instead to bring heaven onto the earth and to show the people your great light so that they can join you. Help me to bring my lost sheep into the fold and to show them my heavenly principles so that they will be prepared for the coming Millennium Kingdom. Michael Triple Grace

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