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Prophetic Word for the 18th of May 2020

Prophetic Word for the 18th of May 2020 - The bell tolls The bell tolls. Do you hear it. It will bring in my new remnant. My chosen vessels will be born into their destiny. They will receive a new body and a new mind. A mind that is zealous for my heavenly Kingdom. A soul that rejoices at my name and a heart for the lost sheep, the needy, the nameless and faceless. The bell tolls Don"t your hear the sound of change? Don't you understand that your old world is fallen? The bell tolls and a new era begins. My Kingdom age is here. Spread the Gospel of the Kingdom by walking in the footsteps of my only begotten son Jesus. Be an apostle of the end times and bring in the harvest of the ages. The bell tolls The bell in the church towers is sounding and it is for their own demise. The church age is over and my Kingdom has come. I am here to overturn the darkness and bring in the light. My holy army of harvest workers is ready to enter the fields of the world. They are operating from my holy places and under my wings of protection so that their destiny and ministries will be fulfilled as I have commanded it. The bell tolls and my churches are dying. I am calling my end time army into their ranks. Michael Triple Grace

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