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Prophetic Word for the 9th of June 2020

Prophetic Word for the 9th of June 2020 - The Battle The upcoming battle is the final one against the dark forces. The sons and daughters of light will fight against the sons and daughters of the night. The enemy will use all his tactics, all of his strategies to take you down and to destroy the newly born daughter of Zion. He will use all of his minions to infiltrate you. The Battle This battle is over life and death. Everlasting life in Heaven or everlasting condemnation in the lake of fire. I am preparing my end time soldiers right now. I will show them new strategies, reposition them and fill their ranks with new powerful warriors. During the rest before the storm I will coach them in all the ways of the enemy so that no dart of his dark kingdom can reach or hurt them. The Battle The upcoming battle is an old battle which started in the Garden of Eden when the snake overcame my children. I promised him then that I will crush his head. Now the time has come for the final battle and the battle field is here on earth. You can not enter this storm without the full armor of the Lord. Come and join the training at Mount Zion to be ready to take the battle to the gates. Michael Triple Grace

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