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Prophetic Word for the 11th of June 2020

Prophetic Word for the 11th of June 2020 - The Love of the Father My love will you show to the people. To the lost sheep and the prodigal sons and daughters. Your work and actions will be far reaching to the ends of the world. The heavenly principles of love, mercy and compassion will be shown by my end time apostles to all nations on all continents and they will bring in the harvest of the ages. The Love of the Father My love will bring great revival to a fallen world. Great lights will be seen in my newly established holy places in all cities worldwide. My powerful warriors will be my Ambassadors on earth. They will train and teach the royal priesthood in the line of David in my love to go out and to lift up the needy, the nameless and faceless and to bring them to the wedding banquet of the lamb. The Love of the Father My love will be spread in Unity by my chosen vessels that I have dedicated for such a time as this. Selected warriors from all nations, races and colors to fulfill my will on earth. The sheep have gone astray but I am sending righteous shepherds who will gather them at my holy mountain, Mount Zion, where I will rapture them into Paradise. Show them my love - The Love of the Father. Michael Triple Grace

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