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Prophetic Word for the 18th of June 2020

Prophetic Word for the 18th of June 2020 - Your Ministry Your ministry is called into unity with all end time ministries worldwide. A great community of end time apostles and warriors will be created. These ministries will fulfill their destinies and purposes here on earth by winning souls for the heavenly Kingdom. They will guide my prodigal sons and daughters back to my open arms. Your Ministry Your ministry must be part of my end time heavenly concept so that the harvest of the ages can be successful. A worldwide harvest in all nations and on all continents. I am counting on all my faithful priest, sons and daughters and all end time apostles to join my army for such a time as this. Be my powerful warrior and stand against the darkness. Your Ministry I am lifting you up to a new level of sonship and understanding on which you will serve me as never before. You will establish holy places, my embassies of heaven, in your neighborhoods and you will walk as an image of my beloved son Jesus. All will see your great light and will be drawn to your ministries that you dedicate fully to my Kingdom of Heaven. In your ministries there will be no worldly agenda nor any worldly aims but all will be done in my will and for my Kingdom. I am calling your ministry into service for me right now. Michael Triple Grace

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