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Prophetic Word for the 26th of June 2020

Prophetic Word for the 26th of June 2020 - Ablaze I am setting my chosen vessels on fire. They will be set ablaze for my heavenly Kingdom and the harvest here on earth. My holy fire is coming down. They will light up as never before and many will be drawn to that light. A great revival will come from my new holy places in all the nations and on all continents. Ablaze Holy fire will prepare my vessels for their end time ministries and these ministries will run before the destruction which is decreed for such a time as this. My Holy Fire will bring the latter rain needed to introduce my heavenly principles to a fallen world. Love, Mercy and Compassion will be the tools of my end time apostles. Ablaze Get ready to be set ablaze by the Holy Fire from Heaven. Let your light shine as never before and enter your destiny as my harvest workers for all to see. A great harvest is waiting for my fiery warriors and my chosen royal priesthood in the line of David. It will be a short but profound harvest and many gentiles will see the light. I am setting you ablaze. Michael Triple Grace

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