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Prophetic Word for the 9th of July 2020

Prophetic Word for the 9th of July 2020 - You are my images I have set examples for you that you need to follow. You are my images and as such you will spread the Gospel of the Kingdom in your neighborhoods. I have called you as my end time apostles filled with the Holy Ghost and trained well in the wilderness. I have refined you as Gold in the fire. You are my images Walk in my footsteps, copy my ministry, take your cross and embrace me. You are my end time apostles. A royal priesthood and holy nation. My living images. Stand up now, separate yourself yourself from the world and from the lukewarm churches. Feed my sheep and seek the lost, the nameless and faceless. You are my images Will I see myself in your daily work? Will I see myself in your faith towards the Father? Will I see myself in your love, mercy and compassion? Walk the narrow and righteous path towards Mount Zion where we will be united again. Now is the time to introduce my coming Kingdom to the World and to the Nations. You are my images. Michael Triple Grace

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