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Prophetic Word for the 10th of July 2020

Prophetic Word for the 10th of July 2020 - Blessings I am sending you blessings. Blessings of Love, Wisdom and Knowledge. Blessings of Resources and Support. You are my children and loved so much by your Father. And even if you walk in the valley of the shadow of death will I prepare a table in front of your enemies where I bless you beyond measure. The table will overflow with all kind of goodness. Blessings When you feel the lowest, being tormented by the enemy, attacked by demonic forces and spirits then I am there for you. I will not only destroy these strongholds but place also a protective wall around you. This protective hedge will guard you from all schemes of the principalites of the air. My angels will patrol along this hedge and will stop any intruder into your soul, mind and heart. Blessings You are not only protected but blessed by my presence in your life. What seems impossible will be reached easily. Locked doors will open up and suddenlies will happen in your life. You are truly blessed as my true sons and daughters. My precious pearls that I removed from the dragon layer and brought back to my presence in Heaven. Receive my blessings now. Michael Triple Grace

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