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Prophetic Word for the 13th of July 2020

Prophetic Word for the 13th of July 2020 - Always I am with you always. No matter where the path will lead you. Into the wilderness, into the fire to be refined or into much blessings. I will be with you always. I am the potter and you are the clay and I prepare you as my holy vessel. I am bringing you forth as a tool that the Kingdom of Heaven will use for eternity. Always I am here for you when you trip and fall. I am here for you when the enemy attack you relentlessly and I am here for you when your eyes be filled with tears. I am walking with you side by side through the desert and over stones. I am lifting you up when calamity strikes and I am cleaning your robe from any spot or wrinkle. Always I am sending you Manna and Quails from Heaven, healing your sickness and bringing forth living waters from a barren stone. I am taking you out of the world and setting you on a new path which will lead into eternal life. I am the great I AM, your God and your Savior. Your provider in times of need and your helper in any situation which may arise. When you think that you are in great darkness and that the road has come to an end then I am the light that will come forth to rescue you. I am here for you - Always. Michael Triple Grace

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