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Prophetic Word for the 14th of July 2020

Prophetic Word for the 14th of July 2020 - Take dominion In the beginning I commanded you to take dominion over the earth. Have you forgotten what I said to you in Paradise? I do not see your presence in the world. My true sons and daughters need to rise up to show forth my heavenly Kingdom for all to see. You need to take dominion in my power and my glory in the way I have taught you. Take dominion Introduce my heavenly principles to the lost sheep, the prodigal sons and daughters and to a fallen world. Put forth the examples my only begotten son Jesus Christ had set for you. Lift up the needy, seek the nameless and faceless and show compassion to the suffering. I see so much desperation and fear. Remove the demonic forces from my churches, my believers and my faithful. Take dominion Establish my holy places in the nations on all continents and spread the Gospel of my Kingdom to the whole world. Follow the examples of my first assemblies who had all in common, shared their resources and supported one another. Now is the time to take dominion over the earth for my heavenly Kingdom and to be my Ambassadors who will represent the only living God. Take dominion now in my holy name. Michael Triple Grace

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